The Ecommerce CMS system is built with Node, MongoDB, Stripe, EJS, and Auth0. This app has authentication, authorization, role based authentication/authorization, MVC design pattern, and secured api endpoint.
This application has mern stack mvc system design feature with JWT authentication and authorization. Redux thunk has been implemented to handle the global state.
This is a dynamic website, and built with JamStack. User can easily change the contnet by using CMS portal(No code requried to change the content). In this applicaiton Gatsby, Contenful, react, and graphQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript technologies are used.
Video Hosting Platform with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, .Net Framework, Entity Core Framework, Docker, MVC, Repository Pattern, and Stripe subscription integration
This is my personal website, I have build it from scratch, and hosted it on a secure server. Html, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap technologies are used to build this.
Third party api(Edamam) is used to build this app in React to get the recipes based on used input(Fruits and Vegetables). I got to explore the react hooks and how to handle the data efficiently.
I have been developing websites for last 3 years. I love learning and implementing user friendly design and features in my websites. The technologies I mostly use to build webistes are HTML, CSS, Javascript, Php, and MySQL.
My aim is become a full stack developer, and I like to face complex problems and to solve them. I got to learn about full stack development at my one year coop job, capstone project, and at my current job. The technologies I have experiece are C#, .Net Core Framework, SQL server, Java, Spring Boot Framework, CakePhp, MySQL, and Docker.
I have experience building native app with Ionic-Vue framework with firebase
During my free time, I like to learn and read about technologies. Currently, I am focusing on learning frontend frameworks Angular and React and on backend .Net Core and Spring Boot frameworks
Github Front-end Sample WorkI am working as a full stack developer at SweetLegs Cloting Inc., where I maintain SweetLegs ecommece portal, and build web and mobile apps for internal operations.
I have worked as a coop software developer for a year at SQM Group Inc.
Csek Creative Inc. is a part of NowMedia Group
I am currently working as a part time web developer at NowMedia Group Inc.
I am finishing my 4th year Bachelor of Science degree at UBC. My Major is Computer Science and Minor is Data Science.
You can reach out to me on or fill out this form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.